We welcome you to the website of the Métis Institute for Diversity, Decolonization, and Inclusion (MIDDI). This multi-disciplinary learning community highlights the academic, artistic, and community-based achievements of people and organizations who intentionally strive for equity and inclusion in their engagement with the diversity of Métis communities across Canada, with particular focus on those unrecognized communities in Eastern Canada and Quebec. MIDDI aims to provide a welcoming and safe space for like-minded supporters of the Métis people. It is a central content hub offering current information regarding the history, culture, and struggles of Métis communities and individuals, along with access to past and recent publications, media interviews, and creations of its members.
As an Institute, we recognize the diversity of Métis cultures and communities across Canada. In seeking to collect, strengthen, and honour the cultural heritage of often-dispersed non- status families and survivors of colonialism, we understand the diasporic condition of many communities. In serving these communities, our mission is to encourage constructive conversations and collaborations based on the principles of mutual respect and reciprocity between Métis, First Nations, Inuit, and Canadians.